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Re: Saturn Probe Pu Power?

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> Von: Mike Malaxos <rss@arach.net.au>
> An: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
> Betreff: Re: Saturn Probe Pu Power?
> Datum: Dienstag, 06. Mai 1997 11:52
> If one pound of Pu distributed throughout the atmosphere can induce
> in every person on earth, what can the tonnes of U 235, Th 232 and U238
> injected into the atmosphere  do. I am very interested in your comments
> Radsafers. 
> M.Malaxos

As Wade pointed out, there is already enough plutonium in the biosphere.

The story of the "orange-size ball of plutonium", which would extinguish
life on earth is very old. In 1978 there were severe discussions in Austria
before the referendum on our NPP was held and I was quite active in them.
One of my opponents used this argument extensively. In a direct
confrontation in front of an audience I confronted him with this fact - so
he backed and admitted that this argument might be wrong.

Guess, what kind of story about plutonium the same person told at the next
discussion? "A ball of the size of an orange, consisting of
