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Rad leak in upstate NY -Reply

Robin --

Thanks for the confirmation ... I thought I was close. You're
right ... have you ever seen the incore video? It's VERY
impressive that 30-40% of the core just isn't there ... and yet,
as you put it, there were not any massive releases. 

I seem to recall that there were a couple of sportsmen who
were relatively close to the plant during the release. The
numbers that I seem to recall for calculated doses were
around 70-80 mrem ... but as you correctly pointed out ... the
remainder of the offsite doses were in the 5 mrem range.

Jim Hardeman, Manager
Environmental Radiation Program
Environmental Protection Division
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
4244 International Parkway, Suite 114
Atlanta, GA 30354
(404) 362-2675  fax: (404) 362-2653

>>> <Robin_Siskel@NOTES.YMP.GOV> 05/12/97 13:47

Jim Hardemans' numbers are in the ballpark of my
recollections also ... Tho I thought the max. exposure to a
hypothetical member of the public was more on the order of

The impressive part to me was that with 40% of the core
melted, there was still no significant offsite doses.  This may
not be so impressive to members of the lay public, however!