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Aux Boiler
I am sending this for a fellow lackey who does not subscribe to the service.
Connecticut Yankee requests the following information from PWR licensees:
1.a. Does your station have an Auxiliary Boiler located outside of an RCA
that has detectable radioactivity levels?
1.b. If yes, what levels (count rate or dose rate) are seen on the exterior
surfaces of the boiler and/or attached piping?
1.c. If yes, how is the boiler and area surrounding the boiler posted?
2.a. Do you find detectable radioactivity on the interior surfaces of your
turbine (e.g., gland seals) upon disassembly?
2.b. If yes, what levels (count rate or dose rate) are found?
2.c. If yes, how do you post the turbine area during plant operations?
CY thanks you in advance. Please respond to Tim Sollenberger at 860-267-2556
extension 3207 or e-mail at solletd@gwsmtp.nu.com. Please post to the service
if you feel the information is pertinent to all.
Only 1.5 more months of winter here in New England!