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Re: Computerised Golw Curve Deconvolution

>Glow curve analysis is becoming an important research tool in 
>thermoluminescence dosimetry.  I am trying to get hold of suitable 
>software to get me into this field.  Can anyone help to point me in 
>the direction of a commercial source or a 'home made' package?  I 
>understand that Harshaw may have a package of limited capabilities.  
>If anyone has used this I would value your comments.
>Monty Charles
>Dr Monty Charles, Reader in Radiation Physics
>School of Physics & Space Research
>University of Birmingham
>Birmingham B15 2TT
>TEL +44  0121 414 3483
>FAX +44  0121 414 4725
When I inverstigated the cost of the Harshaw program it seemed rather steep.
We are contemplating writing our own - if we ever have time? but I would
also be interested in further replies.
John Simpson
Chief Physicist
Townsville General Hospital
Queensland, Australia