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Re: Elephants vs mice

     As has been said, WHY ask WHY??
     With the current advisory and regulatory bodies having a deeply entrenched 
     miasma concerning LNT, this can continue to eternity.
     My opinions only
     Health Physics Instructor

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Subject: Elephants vs mice
Author:  Bernard L Cohen <blc+@pitt.edu> at -MailLink
Date:    6/19/97 11:07 AM

	The basis for linear-no threshold theory is that a single gamma
ray striking a single DNA molecule in the nucleus of a single cell can 
cause a cancer. Since an elephant or other large animal has many 
thousands of times more such DNA molecules than a mouse, what 
explanations have been offered for why elephants don't get a lot more 
cancers than mice from radiation exposure? Why aren't human adults more 
sensitive than small children? Why is radiation dose defined as energy 
deposited per unit organ mass, rather than just total energy deposited 
which determines the number of such hits?
Bernard L. Cohen
Physics Dept.
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: (412)624-9245
Fax: (412)624-9163
e-mail: blc+@pitt.edu
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Subject: Elephants vs mice
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