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RE: Medical Exam

Steven Van Slyckle stated the following:

> Isn't a whole body count part of the employment at a gov. nuclear
> facility? I know it is here.

Whole Body counting may be what is required by a facility to ensure 
that an internal dose assessment is performed. The frequency and 
criteria for conducting this assessment will be based on the 
facility operating procedures. The question had to do with whether or 
not an individual is required by law, to inform their employer if 
they have been subjected to a medical procedure whereby they have 
internal dose, which would set off a portal monitor, or other 
detection device. There is no requirement. The facility is required 
to ensure that any intake (uptake) of radioactive material due to 
their operations must be included in the employee's dose report and 
documents. This may include a frisking program, portal monitor or 
body burden analysis. 

There are many facilities that do not routinely perform BBA as often 
as they had done in the past (commercial nuclear power). This is 
because of the regulatory changes and the TEDE ALARA program. It is 
sufficient enough to reduce a burdensome program when there are clear 
indicators available to determine which parts of your population need 
the increased assessment. This is simple as the jobs an individual 
works, potential for internal contamination, etc.

Whole body counting, when done infrequently, is NOT a realistic 
indicator of whether or not an individual in fact received an intake. 
There are many factors involved. The WBC is the outcome process .. 
what is needed is the front-end processes to determine when and whom 
needs the BBA, or other appropriate assessment.

Back to the question at hand .. there is no regulatory requirement to 
force an individual to provide information on their medical 
treatments. The employer can restrict the individual if they so 
chose, but that could also lead to legal action initiated by the 
employee. But that is another debate all together.

Sandy Perle
Technical Director
ICN Dosimetry Division
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Office: (800) 548-5100 x2306 
Fax:    (714) 668-3149

ICN Dosimetry Website:
http://www.dosimetry.com (~ July 27)

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"The object of opening the mind, as of opening 
the mouth, is to close it again on something solid"
              - G. K. Chesterton -