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RE: Medical Exam -Reply

There is no legal req. for notifying an employer of Nuke Med, correct.

How are you showing that the portal alarms are not a result of licensee
activities-unauthorized removal of RAM?

To expand on Sandy's comments: 
If this is jeopardizing your RPP, i.e., unexplained contamination in labs or
offices, liquid effluent alarms, radiation monitor alarms, management
should be on board for protecting the integrity of the license

We train persons on our expectations for Nuke med. treatments.  We
restrict access to our RCA while persons alarm our portals.  Security is
notified who these people are by memo so they aren't continuously held
up at the entrance gate.  Our site is pretty receptive.

Matt Williamson
Indian Point Unit 3

My thoughts only, but I am using the Power Authority's e-mail.