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RE: Contaminated Lead Questions
If any Radsafers have a response to Floyd Galpin's question on
contaminated lead, I would appreciate being copied on it as well.
>FROM: Floyd Galpin =
> Rogers & Associates
> Engineering Corp
> Several weeks ago I saw an interchange on RADSAFE about
>aprons and shielding materials designed for use in medical
facilities. I=
>didn't have a lot of
>interest at the time, and then I went on vacation. Now I find I
have nee=
>for information on
>this occurrence. I would be particularly interested in
information on th=
>following points. =
>1. What was the radionuclide that was contaminating the lead?
>2. Was the source of the contamination ever determined, and if so
what wa=
>3. At what concentration, or range of concentrations did the
>4. What specific devices or materials were contaminated? Was it
only one=
>devices, or were several involved.
>5. I recall some "official" advisory that it was still better to
use the
>shielding devices rather
>than do without shielding. Who made this advisory and with what
>6. What would be the best source for follow up information?
> If anyone has information on these questions please send me
an e-mai=
>directly to:
>fgalpin@compuserve.com. Replies to RADSAFE are also OK if you
think your=
>response is
>of general interest.
E-mail: ziemer@purdue.edu
Paul L. Ziemer, Ph.D.
Head, School of Health Sciences
Purdue University
W. Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone: 765-494-1435 FAX: 765-496-1377