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Fwd: kVp measurement
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From: rdixon@RAD.BGSM.EDU (Bob Dixon)
Sender: medphys@LISTS.WAYNE.EDU (Medical Physics Listserver)
Reply-to: MEDPHYS@LISTS.WAYNE.EDU (Medical Physics Mailing List)
To: MEDPHYS@LISTS.WAYNE.EDU (Multiple recipients of list MEDPHYS)
Date: 97-08-26 15:20:46 EDT
Gentlemen(and Gentlepersons):
We measure(or infer) the kVp, since that is what the serviceman can
adjust. I recall reading a paper by Dale Trout many years ago in which
he advocated characterizing the quality of a diagnostic x-ray beam by
measuring the 20th value layer rather than HVL or kVp, since this is
more comparable to attenuation by the patient. I briefly considered
doing this until I tried to imagine telling the serviceman: "The 20th
value layer is not what it should be".
Bob Dixon