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RE: Small Locked Box to secure RAM
In my conversations with NRC inspectors, unsecured
lock-boxes are not acceptable if a refrigerator,
freezer or laboratory is left unlocked.
Lock-boxes can be easily secured by drilling small
holes in the lock box and running a cable around a
shelf unit. Bolt the cable ends together inside the
lock-box, and, voila, it cannot be moved unless
someone unlocks the box or dismembers the shelf.
Many vendors now sell this type of security
arrangement with an external eyelet to run the cable
to the box to insure that the shielding integrity of the
lock-box is not compromised. However, if you want
to do it yourself, strategically drill the holes in the rear
of the box and place it to the rear of the refrigeration unit.
Since most refrigeration units are placed against walls,
adequate shielding is provided for most of the low-energy
nuclides used in biomedical research.
Hope this helps.
Vince Chase
Radiation Safety Officer
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals
The opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not represent
the opinions policies or practices of Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals.