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Data on Rate of Personnel Contaminations
I am currently developing radiological performance measures for the power
station decommissioning project at the Haddam Neck Plant (Connecticut Yankee).
Not unexpectedly, one measure has generated a rather broad range of opinion
among plant staff and the large group of consultants present with regard to
where to set the goal. This measure is the indidence/rate of personnel
contamination incidents.
Accordingly, I am interested in any impirical data OR anecdotal information on
industry experience with the number of RWP hours logged per personnel
contamination event in similar situations (i.e. very large outages or
decommissioning projects) and what people consider a "acceptable" rate or use
as goals.
I understand that there are huge variabilities in this issue, such as plant
source term, threshold and criteria for defining an event as a personnel
contamination, etc. so I would like to hold the discussion to raw data and
specific experience with using such a measure in equivalent situations.
D.J. Richards
Radiological Services, Inc.
richadj@gwsmtp.nu.com (work)
djrichards@email.msn.com (personal)