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Export of RAM (Am-241, 10 nanocuries)
A researcher just called today and asked me if there would be any problems
associated with the shipment of a 10 nanocurie Americium-241 source to
Manitoba, Canada.
I told him I'd get back with him but I have no idea where to start asking
about import restrictions in Canada or if there will be any problems in
sending this source to a research site there.
Will we require some type of reciprocal agreement for this minor source?
Or can we ship it to our US researchers with no restrictions (except for
proper packaging in accordance with IAEA/ICAO/IATA/DOT, etc)
Any help would be appreciated.
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Tad Blanchard /__ \ /___\ NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
Nat'l Health Svc, Inc O Code 205.9, Greenbelt, MD 20771
Sr Health Physics Tech / \ Phone: 301-286-9157
Assistant RSO /___\ Fax: 301-286-1618