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RE: "RADAWAY" info. wanted
We have been a "beta" test site for these filters. I am currently
completing some testing on a different design that processes much
larger volumes than the 500 ml unit that you are talking about.
units work very well for our mixed waste stream consisting of
acetonitrile, methanol, and water with C-14 and H-3. The filtering
process does NOT remove all of the activity, but we are seeing
efficiencies between 90 and 95 percent for the removal of the
radioactivity. The cost of the units are not that much when you
consider the cost of disposal of some mixed wastes. We were quoted
approximately $1000/gallon for one of ours due to the high
concentration of H-3. We are hoping to use this filter to reduce
amount of H-3 and still ship the waste out as mixed waste, but at a
significant reduction in cost. A benchtop RADAWAY unit including
filters costs about $275 and replacement cartridges are $210 for a
pack. Don't quote me on exact prices though. The filters can
continue to be used as long as you are getting good removal
efficiency. If you have any specific questions, contact me
and I can share what little knowledge I have. :-)
Just a side note on this as well. In some states, the filtration
mixed waste could be considered treatment under the hazardous waste
regulations. Be cautious in your approach to make certain that you
don't get hit with a violation or have to get a haz waste treatment
Jon Dillon
Ligand Pharmaceuticals
San Diego, CA
______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: "RADAWAY" info. wanted
Author: Myung Chul Jo [SMTP:mjo@scs.unr.edu] at TOWNE_CENTER
Date: 11/10/97 8:41 AM
We have a device which I am studying to see if we could use it to reduce
our liquid
waste volume. This device is called "RADAWAY". The RADAWAY consist
of two chambers and a special filter in between. Waste liquid is placed
one chamber and a vaccum pump (or line) is connected to the other
which forces the liquid flow through the filter into other chamber. The
special filter is to bind with molecules in liquid which contain
radioactivity. The filter can be disposed as solid waste after dry and
liquid can than be handled as non-radioactive. The special filter has
limitations. Molecules it can bind is very limited according to specs.
chamber can only hold 500 ml.
I would like to hear from someone other than manufacturer who used or
tried this device. Any comments or suggestions will be appreciated.
you in advance. Myung Chul Jo
Myung Chul Jo <mjo@scs.unr.edu>
University of Nevada, Reno
Health Physics
EH&S/MS 328
Reno, NV 89557
(702) 784-4540(voice)
(702) 784-4553(fax)