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Waste Characterization
Canberra Nuclear has standard neutron-based and gamma-based nondestructive
assay (NDA) systems that characterize TRU and TRU Mixed waste containing
various waste matrices for disposal at WIPP. Canberra has two mobile NDA
trailers at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS) providing
complete NDA characterization services in compliance with all regulatory
requirements for WIPP (i.e., TRU activity and decay heat required by 10 CFR
Part 70 and the radionuclide inventory required by 40 CFR Part 191). The two
trailers house a Passive Neutron Drum Counter and Segmented Gamma Scanner
(SGS) with isotopics, and an IQ3 multi-detector Low Level Waste Assay system.
TRU and 70 LLW drums were assayed prior to 9/30/97, exceeding RMRS' contractual
milestone. The waste contained Pu isotopes as well as other radionuclides
(e.g., Am-241, Am-243, Np-237, and U isotopes). We are currently working on
Phase II to characterize an additional 425 drums. As a requirement for WIPP
certification, Canberra also participated in DOE's Performance Demonstration
Program (PDP), Cycles 3 and 4 for NDA, and the DOE-CAO audit at RFETS. One of
these mobile NDA systems, the IQ3, also performed characterization services of
Pu-238 bearing waste at WSRS.
In addition to these mobile systems, Canberra has two other trailers for WIPP
characterization of TRU waste containing another SGS with isotopics, and a
High Efficiency Passive Neutron Counter. All are currently going through the
DOE-CAO certification process.
For more information on NDA systems and/or characterization services, please
contact John Smalling at jsmalling@canberra.com.
To: -:radsafe @ romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu@INTERNET, Judy Miller, Frazier Bronson,
Rob Woodard
Person From/To:
From: PC:Bates.Estabrooks @ rfets.gov@INTERNET
Date: 11/13/97 10:36:36 AM
Subject: Waste Characterization
Here's a question for everyone on RADSAFE particularly those
at DOE sites. This is posted for a colleague of mine.
The WIPP TRUPACT-II Packaging Requirements for 55-gal drums
give a decay-heat based limit of 8.8g of WGPu per drum
(assumes no 241 Am). Is anyone out there aware of a
technology that can characterize a drum down to that level?
Is anyone out there using something that can?
Bates Estabrooks