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Regarding old Tritium Exit Signs - disposal and alternate vendor sources?
Dear Radsafers,
I would appreciate your input(s). We are a not-for-profit,
city hospital who is currently looking at our options for
our many tritium signs also expire. Is Isolite Corporation
the only service to pay to properly dispose of these low
level radiation signs or are there competitors that perhaps
you are using for disposal and purchase of replacement
inserts. One down side we are pondering is what happens in
another 13 year life cycle if this vendor substantially
raises their prices or if they disappear - are we stuck
with another generation of old expired signs?
Please reply on this topic directly to:
Mark Steinbuchel, CHCM
Chairman, Radiation Safety Committee
Huntsville Hospital System
at my e-mail address:
Thank "Ya'll" (as we say in Alabama) in advance!!!
On Tue, 2 Dec 1997 10:19:56 -0600 (CST) member
Tad.M.Blanchard.1@gsfc.nasa.gov> wrote:
> Our facility just replaced all of their tritium exit signs with energy
> saving lighted signs. The vendor disposed of the old signs (at no cost to
> us) and discounted the price of the new signs.
> At 09:59 AM 12/2/97 -0600, Carol wrote:
> >Hello all!
> >Does anyone know whether there is a secondary market (re-sale) for
> >self-luminous exit signs? If a company no longer has a need for these signs,
> >it appears the vendor will dispose of them for between $75 and $150 per sign.
> > (That cost goes down if a replacement sign is ordered from the vendor.)
> > However, the signs are in perfect working order, with quite a few working
> >years still left in them. Is disposal the only option? I would be grateful
> >to learn of any experiences any of you might have on this issue.
> >
> >Happy Holidays!
> >Carol Berger
> >Integrated Environmental Management, Inc.
> >(301) 762-0502
> >BergerIEM@aol.com
> ************************** /^\ /^\ ***********************************
> Tad Blanchard /__ \ /___\ NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
> Nat'l Health Svc, Inc O Code 205.9, Greenbelt, MD 20771
> Sr Health Physics Tech / \ Phone: 301-286-9157
> Assistant RSO /___\ Fax: 301-286-1618
> mailto:Tad.M.Blanchard.1@GSFC.NASA.gov
> http://panza.gsfc.nasa.gov/205/205-2/Health/RADPROT.HTM
Mark Steinbuchel, CHCM