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Accident Dose
Within the past couple of days, someones' posting
commented on a cited part of CFR reagrding dose limits
and dose taken during an accident. I believe that person
either works directly for the NRC or some other government
entity. The comment was something like ... the limits are
intended not to cause an action to not be taken that would
protect the health and safety of the public. If anyone still
has the information, please send it directly to me.
Thanks in advance.
Regarding the use of operator actions to mitigate the
consequence of an accident. The dose required to
perform the action (assume less than the 5 rem limit as
given in 10CFR50 Appendix A GDC 19 for design criteria
and enveloped for vital areas in section II.B of NUREG 0737),
in your opinion, does it constitute an unreviewed safety question
per 10CFR50.59? Please give your thoughts on why or why