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RE: Nonukes: same discussion
Thank you Sandy but that is exactly why I was saying in my title: "Same
discussion". When plane crashes, people tend to say plane
transportationis less safe without looking at facts but we find out it
is partly because CNN is bringing the same news and other related
tragedies 24 hours a day. Why ? that is what people want ! will they
care to bring an expert to explain the facts ? If they have time and the
expert can sell more...
Sorry if I sound pessimistic and again I agree we need more education
but what I call human nature is deeply in most of us.
If not, how would you explain that this trend of discussion
(environmentalist, public education etc) always come back into RADSAFE ?
Gestion du Risque\Risk Management
Merck Frosst Canada
* 514.428.8695
Fax: 514.428.4917
> ----------
> From: Sandy Perle[SMTP:sandyfl@ix.netcom.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 1997 8:54 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: RE: Nonukes: same discussion
> Human nature is based on the environment in which one is brought up.
> If an individual is continually exposed (no pun intended) to
> negativism with respect to radiation related issues, then that
> individual will be totally predisposed to be an anti-nuke, and, will
> reject all reason, even when presented with the facts. This is
> analogous to a bigot. Hazardous materials, aviation, automobiles, all
> present potential dangers. However, they are not perceived to be
> inherently full of imminent danger. The probability of nuclear
> accidents that are catastrophic are LOW. The perception that these
> will happen is HIGH .. this is due to constant barrage of falsehoods
> and preconceived notions. Education, and lots of it, is the only tool
> that we can use to chisel away at the monumental block of anti-nuke
> paranoia.
> ------------------
> Sandy Perle
> Technical Director
> ICN Dosimetry Division
> Costa Mesa, CA 92626
> Office: (800) 548-5100 x2306
> Fax: (714) 668-3149
> sandyfl@ix.netcom.com
> sperle@icnpharm.com
> Personal Homepage:
> http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1205
> ICN Dosimetry Website:
> http://www.dosimetry.com
> "The object of opening the mind, as of opening
> the mouth, is to close it again on something solid"
> - G. K. Chesterton -