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Re: Ecological Fallacy?

It is valid to
say that in a group of 1000 individuals having these characteristics and
this exposure we expect 27 cases of whateverhorrorisunderdiscussion. 

The above assumes that a relationship between exposure and the incidence of
whateverhorrorisunderdiscussion is known (I think!!). I think the question we
should be asking is if we know the average exposure (but not individual
exposures) of a population to some kind of nasty, and we know the incidence in
that population of whateverhorrorisunderdiscussion, can we derive a valid
exposure/effect relationship?? I don't think so, but then I am not an


Alex Zapantis             
Health Physicist
Supervising Scientist Group

Email : alex.zapantis@ea.gov.au
Fax : (int+) 61 2  6217 2060
Phone: (int+) 61 2 6217 2037

PO Box E305
Kingston ACT 2604

The Supervising Scientist Group is Part of Environment Australia