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Re: Dose Calulation software


I also assume you mean internal dose software.  Unfortunately, everything
available is quite expensive.  There are 4 commercially available packages
and all are about $5000.  They are INDOS, CINDY, Remedy, and Genmod.  I'm
most familiar with the first 2 and have used them both quite a bit.  I've
also written reviews for the HP Journal on INDOS, Genmod, and CINDY.  INDOS
was developed by the University of Lowell and is a very good code but
requires the most knowledgable user.  It doesn't have nuclide data files so
you have to enter all of the information, including half life, metabolic
models, fraction excreted to urine (if inputting urine or fecal results),
and f1 values.  It's the best code if you'll be playing around with the
models but isn't necessarily the best choice for routine operations.

CINDY came out of Battelle (PNL) and is now marketed by Canberra.  You can
get it for $100 if you're a DOE contractor but it's about $5000 for
everyone else.  It's not Windows based (neither is INDOS) so it's sometimes
hard to navigate (and I've had problems with it locking up the computer),
but it contains a lot of data files and is relatively useful.

I haven't used either Genmod or Remedy in quite sometime (I believe both
have been revised since the last time I saw them) so I can't really
comment.  INDOS and CINDY are available as demos - you can perform
calculations but you can't save files or print the results. 

If you have any questions or want more information, feel free to call me at
(330) 644-3757.

Liz Brackett

At 02:40 PM 3/2/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Can anyone point me in the right direction? I am looking for software on dose
>calculations. Any and all information would be appreciated. Shareware or
>versions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
>Fred Dannibale
>Electric Boat
| Elizabeth M. Brackett, CHP |
|    Sr. Health Physicist    |
|      MJW Corporation       |
|      (330) 644-3757        |
| mailto:brackett@bright.net |