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Re: Average Gamma Energy Calc


I do average energy calcs for the Perry Station waste streams and will e-mail
you my spreadsheet when I get to the plant on Monday.  I would like to hear
from other sites as to whether they are accounting for Pu-241 in their
calculations of the volume of air required for alpha-DACs. Although it is not
an alpha emitter, the daughter (Am-241) is and the major contributor of dose
over a 50 year period after uptake.

Rob Leib
Radiological Engineer

trolnia@entergy.com wrote:

>      Radsafers,
>      Does anyone have a tested method for calculation of "E bar gamma",
>      average gamma energy, from gamma spec or radiochem analysis? I have
>      reasonably good isotopic data for our PWR waste stream and need to
>      periodically prove that the calibration of certain instruments is
>      acceptable versus the average gamma energy of isotopes present in
>      waste stream gamma spec.  The practical purpose is to ensure our whole
>      body counters are calibrated to measure the actual energies
>      encountered.  Previously, I have used an energy weighted approach. Any
>      suggestions?
>      Reply: trolnia@entergy.com
>      Thanks
>      Tom Rolniak
>      RP Tech Support
>      Entergy - ANO