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Bayesian statistical methods for bioassay and internal dosimetry
- Subject: Bayesian statistical methods for bioassay and internal dosimetry
- From: "Strom, Daniel J" <daniel.j.strom@pnl.gov>
- Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 16:23:49 -0800
A new website has opened at http://www.pnl.gov/bayesian/ describing the
DOE-sponsored workshop on Bayesian statistics for bioassay, internal dosimetry,
and radiochemistry. Many of the handouts and slides are available at this site,
courtesy of Don Berry of Duke University, Tom LaBone of Westinghouse Savannah
River Site, Guthrie Miller of Los Alamos National Laboratory, and others. We
plan to add more material as it is edited and becomes available.
- Dan Strom
The opinions expressed above are my own, and have not been reviewed or approved
by Battelle, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, or the U.S. Department
of Energy.
Daniel J. Strom, Ph.D., CHP
Risk Analysis and Health Protection, K3-56, Pacific Northwest National
Battelle Boulevard, P.O. Box 999, Richland, WA 99352-0999 USA
(509) 375-2626 fax: (509) 375-2019 daniel.j.strom@pnl.gov