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Decontamination of lead bricks -Reply
Anthony F. (Tony) Armagno
Northeast Utilities Millstone Station
Tele: (860) 437-2519
E-Mail: armagaf@gwsmtp.nu.com
According to Cowboy Wisdom: There's more ways to skin a cat than stickin' his
head in a boot jack and jerkin' on his tail!
>>> <ledwards@gpu.com> 03/10/98 11:40am >>>
We are looking for a method of removing fission product surface
contamination from lead bricks without generating an additional problem of
lead contaminated waste. Any ideas or proven methods would be appreciated.
Larry Edwards
GPU Nuclear
PO Box 480
Middletown, PA 17022-0480
(717) 948-8190
(717) 948-8502 (fax)
Try Bartlett Nuclear. They have a strippable paint which is used to decon
surfaces. They last time I used it (as a rent-a-tech) it was used to clean the
cavity walls. It is good for porous surfaces. ARC used to have a product as
well. Good luck.