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Re: 2nd NORM symposium

At 05:22 12.03.98 -0600, Gert Jonkens wrote:
>Date November 10-13, 1998 at Krefeld, Germany. Contact e-mail address
>NORM II secretariat: sgr-m.sappook@t-online.de 
Any post tio this e-mail adress gets returned ('unknown'). Anybody out
there who found out the real adress.
>Kind Regards, Gert Jonkers 
.....>e-mail   Gert.G.Jonkers@OPC.Shell.COM
Gert, is  a snail mail adress or a fax-number associated with the
conference secreteriat ? 

Yours sincerely

 Dr.Peter Hill                          phone: +49-2461-61-5081
 Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH         fax  : +49-2461-61-3726
 D-52425 Juelich/Germany                mailto:P.Hill@fz-juelich.de
                                        URL:  http://www.kfa-juelich.de/