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Re: SI-units for radiation and activity
At 16:03 19.03.98 -0600, you wrote:
>I am just a newcomer in this place, although I am in the health-physics
>corner for 29,5 years now. After reading through some hundreds of postings
>to this list in the last few weeks I found something utterly annoying (like
>in Health Physics, etc.): Most Americans still use the old radiation units
>as if the INTERNATIONAL standards do not exist! And I found out why: NIST
>has a pity on you, because they find it is far too difficult for you to
>change to the new units, so
you people from the US of A may use the old
>units as the sole persons on this world!
This is not true. To name just a few countries where they also are used:
Japan, former Sovjetunion, Saudi Arabia....... During the time of the
Chernobyl accident there were still European countries using the nCi, like
American journals like Health Physics use exclusively the SI units.
Franz Schoenhofer
Federal Institute for Food Control and Research
Department for Radiochemistry and Radioactivity of Food
Kinderspitalg. 15
A-1095 Vienna
tel.: +43-1-40491-520
fax.: +43-1-40491-540