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Re: Congresspeople for FGR 13 -Reply

At 06:13 PM 3/27/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>At 01:27 PM 3/27/98 -0600, you wrote:
>>  Send me the list.
>>Anthony F. (Tony) Armagno
>>Northeast Utilities Millstone Station
>>Tele: (860) 437-2519
>>E-Mail: armagaf@gwsmtp.nu.com
>>According to Cowboy Wisdom: There's more ways to skin a cat than stickin' his
>>head in a boot jack and jerkin' on his tail!
>The list is attached as an HTML doc. If you cn't read it send me your fax
>no. and I'll fax it to you.
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
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><P ALIGN="CENTER">&nbsp;</P>
><P ALIGN="CENTER">&nbsp;</P>
><P ALIGN="CENTER">&nbsp;</P>
><P>The Honorable Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr., Chairman</P>
><P>House Committee on Science</P>
><P>2320 Rayburn House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515-6301</P>
><P>The Honorable George E. Brown, Jr.</P>
><P>2300 Rayburn House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC 20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Ken Calvert, Chairman</P>
><P>Subcommittee on Energy and Environment</P>
><P>B-374 Rayburn House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515-6304</P>
><P>The Honorable Harris W. Fawell</P>
><P>2368 Rayburn House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Curt Weldon</P>
><P>2452 Rayburn House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Dana Rohrabacher</P>
><P>2338 Rayburn House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Steven H. Schiff</P>
><P>2404 Rayburn House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Vernon J. Ehlers</P>
><P>1717 Longworth House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Matt Salmon</P>
><P>115 Cannon House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Mark Foley</P>
><P>113 Cannon House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Phil English</P>
><P>1721 Longworth House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Tom Coburn</P>
><P>429 Cannon House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Tim Roemer</P>
><P>2348 Rayburn House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Paul McHale</P>
><P>217 Cannon House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Mike Doyle</P>
><P>133 Cannon House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Darlene Hooley</P>
><P>1419 Longworth House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Ralph M. Hall</P>
><P>2221 Rayburn House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Eddie Bernice Johnson</P>
><P>1123 Longworth House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Joe Lofgren</P>
><P>318 Cannon House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable Alcee L. Hastings</P>
><P>1039 Longworth House Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20515</P>
><P>The Honorable John McCain, Chairman</P>
><P>Senate Committee on Commerce, Science</P>
><P>  and Transportation</P>
><P>SD-508 Dirksen Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510-6125</P>
><P>The Honorable Ernest F. Hollings</P>
><P>SR-125 Russell Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Frank Murkowski, Chairman</P>
><P>Senate Committee on Energy and Natural</P>
><P> Resources</P>
><P>SD-364 Dirksen Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510-6150</P>
><P>The Honorable Pete V. Domenici</P>
><P>SH-328 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Don Nickles</P>
><P>SH-133 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Larry E. Craig</P>
><P>SH-313 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Ben Nighthorse Campbell</P>
><P>SR-380 Russell Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Craig Thomas</P>
><P>SH-109 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC 20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Jon Kyl</P>
><P>SH-724 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Rod Grams</P>
><P>SH-261 Dirksen Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Gordon H. Smith</P>
><P>SH-367 Dirksen Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC 20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Slade Gorton</P>
><P>SH-730 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Conrad Burns</P>
><P>SD-187 Dirksen Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Dale Bumpers</P>
><P>SD-229 Dirksen Senate Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Wendell H. Ford</P>
><P>SR-173A Russell Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Jeff Bingaman</P>
><P>SH-703 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Daniel K. Akaka</P>
><P>SH-720 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Byron Dorgan</P>
><P>SH-713 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Bob Graham</P>
><P>SH-524 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Ron Wyden</P>
><P>SH-717 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Tim Johnson</P>
><P>SH-502 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Mary L. Landrieu</P>
><P>SH-702 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable John H. Chafee</P>
><P>SD-505 Dirksen Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable John Warner</P>
><P>SR-225 Rayburn Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Robert C. Smith</P>
><P>SD-307 Dirksen Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Dirk Kempthorne</P>
><P>SR-304 Rayburn Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable James M. Inhofe</P>
><P>SR-453 Rayburn Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Craig Thomas</P>
><P>SH-109 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Christopher (Kit) Bond</P>
><P>SR-258 Rayburn Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Tim Hutchinson</P>
><P>SD-245 Dirksen Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Wayne Allard</P>
><P>SH-513 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Jeff Sessions</P>
><P>SR-495 Rayburn Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Max Baucus</P>
><P>SH-511 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan</P>
><P>SR-464 Rayburn Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Frank Lautenberg</P>
><P>SH-506 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Harry Reid</P>
><P>SH-528 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Joseph I. Lieberman</P>
><P>SH-706 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
><P>The Honorable Barbara Boxer</P>
><P>SH-112 Hart Senate Office Building</P>
><P>Washington, DC  20510</P>
>I am resending the list in word'95 format, if you have more trouble with it
let me know and I'll resend in word'97 or can fax it if you send your fax no.

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\par NO. 13 COMMENTS
\par }\pard \nowidctlpar\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\fs24 The Honorable Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr., Chairman
\par House Committee on Science
\par 2320 Rayburn House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515-6301
\par The Honorable George E. Brown, Jr.
\par 2300 Rayburn House Office Building
\par Washington, DC 20515
\par The Honorable Ken Calvert, Chairman
\par Subcommittee on Energy and Environment
\par B-374 Rayburn House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515-6304
\par The Honorable Harris W. Fawell
\par 2368 Rayburn House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Curt Weldon
\par 2452 Rayburn House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Dana Rohrabacher
\par 2338 Rayburn House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Steven H. Schiff
\par 2404 Rayburn House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Vernon J. Ehlers
\par 1717 Longworth House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Matt Salmon
\par 115 Cannon House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Mark Foley
\par 113 Cannon House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Phil English
\par 1721 Longworth House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Tom Coburn
\par 429 Cannon House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Tim Roemer
\par 2348 Rayburn House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Paul McHale
\par 217 Cannon House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Mike Doyle
\par 133 Cannon House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Darlene Hooley
\par 1419 Longworth House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Ralph M. Hall
\par 2221 Rayburn House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Eddie Bernice Johnson
\par 1123 Longworth House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Joe Lofgren
\par 318 Cannon House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable Alcee L. Hastings
\par 1039 Longworth House Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20515
\par The Honorable John McCain, Chairman
\par Senate Committee on Commerce, Science
\par   and Transportation
\par SD-508 Dirksen Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510-6125
\par The Honorable Ernest F. Hollings
\par SR-125 Russell Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Frank Murkowski, Chairman
\par Senate Committee on Energy and Natural
\par  Resources
\par SD-364 Dirksen Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510-6150
\par The Honorable Pete V. Domenici
\par SH-328 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Don Nickles
\par SH-133 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Larry E. Craig
\par SH-313 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Ben Nighthorse Campbell
\par SR-380 Russell Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Craig Thomas
\par SH-109 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC 20510
\par The Honorable Jon Kyl
\par SH-724 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Rod Grams
\par SH-261 Dirksen Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Gordon H. Smith
\par SH-367 Dirksen Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC 20510
\par The Honorable Slade Gorton
\par SH-730 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Conrad Burns
\par SD-187 Dirksen Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Dale Bumpers
\par SD-229 Dirksen Senate Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Wendell H. Ford
\par SR-173A Russell Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Jeff Bingaman
\par SH-703 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Daniel K. Akaka
\par SH-720 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Byron Dorgan
\par SH-713 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Bob Graham
\par SH-524 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Ron Wyden
\par SH-717 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Tim Johnson
\par SH-502 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Mary L. Landrieu
\par SH-702 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable John H. Chafee
\par SD-505 Dirksen Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable John Warner
\par SR-225 Rayburn Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Robert C. Smith
\par SD-307 Dirksen Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Dirk Kempthorne
\par SR-304 Rayburn Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable James M. Inhofe
\par SR-453 Rayburn Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Craig Thomas
\par SH-109 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Christopher (Kit) Bond
\par SR-258 Rayburn Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Tim Hutchinson
\par SD-245 Dirksen Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Wayne Allard
\par SH-513 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Jeff Sessions
\par SR-495 Rayburn Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Max Baucus
\par SH-511 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan
\par SR-464 Rayburn Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Frank Lautenberg
\par SH-506 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Harry Reid
\par SH-528 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Joseph I. Lieberman
\par SH-706 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par The Honorable Barbara Boxer
\par SH-112 Hart Senate Office Building
\par Washington, DC  20510
\par }}