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An old story and a new point !


  I think all of radsafers have heard the story of radium dial painters.But
Dr. M. Bruce has written a new thing:

" No newspaper ever featured the 30 year followup of 1155 low dose radium
dial painters who had fewer cancers than the general population and lived

unfortunately there isn't any reference in the document.I want to find 
the reference of this writing. Does anyone know Dr. Brucer's address or
any reference regarding this study? Thanks in advance.

I forgot to write about Radium Dating !!!

according to prof. Wolff's paper , one of these workers used to paint her 
teeth with radium so that they would glow in the dark while she was on a
date !

Best Regards
J. Mortazavi 


        \    S. M. Javad Mortazavi M.                \ 
         \    Medical Physicist                       \
          \    Department of Medical Physics           \   
           \    Faculty of Medical Sciences             \ 
            \    Tarbiat Modarres University             \ 
             \    P.O. Box 14155-4838                     \  
              \    Fax (98 21) 800 6544                    \ 
               \    Voice (98 21) 802 8302                  \  
                \    E-mail  mortazav@net1cs.modares.ac.ir   \  
                 \    Tehran , Iran                           \  