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Re: Road kill sampling method: -Reply

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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: jeff.king@srs.gov <jeff.king@srs.gov>
An: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
Datum: Freitag, 17. April 1998 21:31
Betreff: Re: Road kill sampling method: -Reply

>     This is not exactly my area of expertise here on Site>     I believe,
but am not sure, that last year was the first year we ever
>     found a deer high enough above background that it could not be
>     released to the folks who kilt it.

You  are acting like the greens - not giving any data, just talking about
"high enough" and "above background". If you refer to a group of scientists
on RADSAFE among which some experts on radioecology might exist, you should
mention facts and not hearsay. What were the concentrations
of what radionuclides, what are the limits which did not allow to release
the deer to the persons who killed it (not "kilt" it).

>     On a different note, there is an alligator that periodically makes its
>     way into one of our retention basins.  Yesterday a subcontractor was
>     working on sediment removal when he showed back up.  Animal control
>     captured him and then had to "put him to sleep" as he was probing
>     about 200,000 dpm b>

What is that? 200,000 dpm of something???????? Did they make a vivisection,
did they perform an in vivo gammaspectometry? How did they calibrate to
these units which are unknown to me - my apologies. Was that alligator
intended to be eaten? What is the legal background to kill an animal probing
about 200.000 dpm of somewhat?

I am not as polite as Otto Raabe - is your mail a hoax?
