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Re: Radioactive Material Distribution
>Here is another question for Radiation Safety Officers at reseach
>institutions. How do you ensure that individuals who pick up radioactive
>material packages from the Radiation Safety Office are authorized? That is,
>how do you know they should receive the material for the Authorized User
>listed on the package? Do you have a list, ID badge, special password?
We receive the packages at Radiation Safety and a technician delivers them
to each laboratory. This avoids DOT problems since our campus is large
enough to require driving on public streets.
If they come here, they must have a copy of the Sunday New York Times under
their left arm and say "The birds fly south".
The opinions expressed above are well-reasoned and insightful. Needless to
say, they are not those of my employer. (with apologies to Michael Feldman)
Andrew Karam, MS, CHP (614) 292-1284 (phone)
The Ohio State University (614) 292-7002 (fax)
Office of Radiation Safety "The mind is not a vessel to
1314 Kinnear Road be filled but a fire to be
Columbus, OH 43212 lighted." (Plutarch)