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Re[]: neutron flux in space - Spacecraft Design
As long as this thread is still tight:
Assuming LOX (liquid Oxygen) is aboard the shuttle, what is the
potential Deep Dose Equivalent from Nitrogen-16?
Jack McCarthy
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Subject: Re: neutron flux in space - Spacecraft Design
Author: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at Internet
Date: 5/7/98 11:49 AM
I remember discussing the problem of designing a spacecraft relative to
the radiation environment in physics class. Apparently there are two
problems. Shielding against low energy radiations (the neutrons) and
having too much shielding. Too much shielding will create a buildup of
dose from the high energy particles. The spacecraft were supposedly
designed to have nearly identical shielding in 4 pi geometry(?).
>has to go into the spacecraft. The cosmic rays are much worse in terms
>what damage they do to electronic components, fortunately these are
>(except in certain orbits) minimal as well.
Robert J. Gunter, M.Sc.
Health Physicist
ICN Dosimetry Service
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