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FW: Reply to Joe Ring about security/NRC
We seem to be continuing to have troubles with our email. Here is one final
attempt from me. Joe's helpful info and my reply... sorry if this is a
duplicate for you.
From: Barlow, Agnes E.
To: Joseph P. Ring
Subject: Reply to Joe Ring about security/NRC
Date: Thursday,May 14,1998 3:49PM
I appreciate your efforts in working with the NRC on this issue and your
help now to clarify. [ I also appreciate the private email I received from
others, with one in particular offering helpful information.] I now
understand that the NUREG/CR-6204 section of the memo referred to two
questions which had information that might have been confusing for
licensees. The two questions will be rescinded so the regulations will be
I also now understand that the " aggregate quantity" issue in a lab with
multiple unsecured containers might be evaluated akin to the unity rule.
This clarification aids me in my efforts to explain possible impact of the
memorandum to interested parties here.
Again, thanks to all who responded.
203 737-2142
standard disclaimer
From: Joseph P. Ring
To: radsafe
Cc: Agnes.Barlow
Subject: NRC - security of RAM -April 24th Memorandum
Date: Thursday,May 14,1998 2:46PM
Not being from NRC but understanding the process I would like to take a
shot at responding to Aggie's questions.