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Re: current Cs-137 event

Well, I have tried to translate the CSN press note. I'am sorry for my english
:((   I must take lessons urgently!!
There is nobody here at the laboratory so I go home to watch the futbol World Cup

Explanations about Acerinox incident

>      Facts chronologie

>      9  june

> Acerinox comunicate to CSN a Cs-137 contamination detection at the smoke filters
> on the kiln number 1, located Algeciras(Spain). The CSN (spanish Nuclear
> Security Council) begins a tecnical avaluation of the situation and give the
> first instructions to Acerinox about measures must be taken.

>      10 and 11 june

A CSN inspector goes to Algeciras. The inspection verifies the plant situation and
confirms contamination presence on the smoke filtration system and confirms the
isolation measures and acces control.

>      12  june

Instructions to Acerinox. The CSN send writed instructions to Acerinox about
situation characterization and decontamination. In the same manner, instructions
are given about mesures to examinate the afected zone personnel.

> The CSN sends a notification to the OIEA, UE Comision, Enviromental General
> Direction of Portugal and French Nuclear Security and Protection Institute. The
> OIEA and UE sends this information to the member countries.
>      The first reports of cesium increments detected at France are received.

> A communicate of the incident is sent to the local institutions and authorities.
> Two press notes are sent to communication media, national, international and to
> Greenpeace.
> Actual situation and hypothesis relative to the accident

> Since the Acerinox notification, the CSN have not detected cesium increments on
> the atmosphere at the automatic measurement stations around the country. With
> this , any radiological incidence by the Algeciras incident is discarted.

Anyway, for make more acurate estimation of the accident impact, the national low
level radiation measurement laboratories data are been analyzed (from may 25 to
now). There has been only detected a cesium increment at Palomares (Almeria)
station, lowers than detected at France.


The analysis of these data, together with the data from France and Italy, and the
information from the Meteorology National Institute abourt the weather conditions
at the accident moment, allow stablish the hypothesis that the detected cesium at
France avoided the peninsular territory (Spain+Portugal). This hypothesis is
strengthened by the fact that the high precission laboratory located at Madrid,
similar to the french laboratory that did detect?? the cesium increment, did not
detect a cesium increment. This is, neither the Madrid laboratory nor the spanish
net did not detect cesium increment because the isotpe did difuse out from the
spanish coast.

>      The CSN pursuit is been continous and investigation are in progress:
> to determinate the origin of the source and its dispersion
> to determinate the possible
>      para determinar los posibles incumplimientos que hayan podido
>      producirse

> to clarify definitively if the Algeciras incident has been the only cause of the
> measured cesium increment
> .
> For this the next actions are in progress:

 the CSN has sent teams for the inspection of the Acerinox plant.

>  A portable unit will explore the workmen possibly afected

> Two movable units will make measurements at the plant and around.

The data from the laboratories net continues in progress

> Enresa (National Waste Management Enterprise) will study the possible
> contamination of the dross from Acerinox to give to it the proper treatment.
>                                    Madrid, juen 14  1998