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Shipment of RAM
Since the specific activity of the sample exceeds the 70 Bq/g definition
for radioactive material then the determining factor is the total
activity, which must not exceed the limited quantity value. For a solid
soil sample the limited quantity value is 10E-3 of the applicable A2
value for the isotopes or mixture. A limited quantity of material can
be shipped as Radioactive Material, Excepted Package - Limited Quantity
of Material, UN2910, provided:
1. The inner container of radioactive material is marked "Radioactive."
2. The package meets the general package design requirements.
3. The maximum surface radiation level does not exceed 0.5 mrem/hr.
4. The excepted package notice is in, or with the shipment. (Inside the
package is recommended.)
If the above criteria are met the package is excepted from other package
specification requirements, marking, labelling and shipping paper
IATA requires the following statement on the airbill: Radioactive
Material, Excepted Package - Limited Quantity of Material.
Roy A. Parker, Ph.D.
E-Mail: 70472.711@compuserve.com
Tel: 225-924-1473 - Note new area code
Fax: 225-924-4269 - Note new area code
-------------( Forwarded computer archived letter follows )-------------
01-Oct-98 15:46 CDT
From: "Fleming, Kenneth" <knflemin@bechtel.com>
I need to ship a soil sample, which has been radioassayed, back to its
origin. The average activity of the package has not been determined, but it
looks as though it will exceed the 1890 pCi/g definition for being
radioactive. (If the concentration does not exceed the limit, a "strong,
tight container" is required and no other notifications. If the average
concentration exceeds the limit, but can be shipped as Excepted Packaging,
Limited Quantities under 173.421; does the package need Dangerous Goods
Labelling on the exterior of the package?
Kenny Fleming CHP CSP
FUSRAP Radiological Control Supervisor
(423) 220-2306
(423) 220-2464 FAX
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