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Re: EMF and DNA double-strand breaks
Radsafers with interest in the "EMF" issue:
I briefly read through the Bioelectromagnetics article today (below).
It is as I suspected - the single-cell assay (Comet). It is not
explained how the authors specifically assay for DSBs but they
referred back to Int. J. Radiat. Biol. (Lai & Singh, 1996, Vol. 69,
pp.513-). So I looked at the latter article also. And again,
I find no clear explanation about how they quantify for DSBs.
Any comments would be valuable. The comet assay measures a fractional
(%) change in DNA mass, not strand breaks (I am quite sure that I
explained this to one of the authors by an email in 1996). To my
knowledge, there is no theory explaining the relationship between
% DNA mass change and ANY specific lesions (including SSBs or DSBs)
for the comet assay. I still find all this strange about the claimed
>Volume 18, Issue 2 (1997)
>Do electromagnetic fields interact directly with DNA?;
>Acute exposure to a 60 Hz magnetic field increases DNA strand breaks
>in rat brain cells; Henry Lai, Narendra P. Singh
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