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Re[2]: Open health physics position at NYSDEC
I don't know if the salary is a joke (it doesn't appear to be) but I
wonder, how many of these kinds of positions go unfilled? Is this a
typical salary for such a state government position? I do know that I
pay more than this for non-degreed field technicians, and the cost of
living is significantly lower in Colorado than in NYC.
I would find it difficult to recommend health physics to someone as a
career with these kinds of "opportunities."
Steven D. Rima, CHP, CSP
Manager, Health Physics and Industrial Hygiene
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Open health physics position at NYSDEC
Author: Ray Russ <rruss@stanford.edu> at Internet
Date: 10/28/98 11:59 AM
>The New York State Department Of
>Environmental Conservation has an opening for
>an Environmental Radiation Specialist 1 in Albany,
>New York. The appointment will be provisional,
>pending the administration of a civil service exam
>to be given in 1999. Principal duties of the
>position will be monitoring of the federal
>government's activities under the Formerly
>Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program. NYS
>driver's license (or equivalent) is required.
>Appointee may be required to wear a respirator
>Salary: $35,945
This is a joke right? $36k/yr?
R. Russ
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