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RE: Re[2]: Open health physics position at NYSDEC

Unfortunately, that is not an atypical salary for state agencies.  It
makes it very difficult to recruit and retain qualified HPs.  That
salary is about the salary for mid-range HP positions (and requires 4-5
years experience) for the State of Texas.


Wesley M. Dunn, CHP, Director, Environmental Health & Safety
International Isotopes, Inc.
3100 Jim Christal Road
Denton, Texas  76207
Wdunn@intiso.com <mailto:Wdunn@intiso.com>
Corporate Website:  http://www.intiso.com
940-484-9492; 940-484-0877 (fax)

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Steven.Rima@doegjpo.com [SMTP:Steven.Rima@doegjpo.com]
	Sent:	Wednesday, October 28, 1998 1:27 PM
	To:	Multiple recipients of list
	Subject:	Re[2]: Open health physics position at NYSDEC

	     I don't know if the salary is a joke (it doesn't appear to
be) but I 
	     wonder, how many of these kinds of positions go unfilled?
Is this a 
	     typical salary for such a state government position? I do
know that I 
	     pay more than this for non-degreed field technicians, and
the cost of 
	     living is significantly lower in Colorado than in NYC.
	     I would find it difficult to recommend health physics to
someone as a 
	     career with these kinds of "opportunities."
	     Steven D. Rima, CHP, CSP
	     Manager, Health Physics and Industrial Hygiene
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