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Dec Health Physics Journal TOC
Hi all,
Here is the December Health Physics Journal Table of Contents.
Bruce Busby
For more information on the Health Physics Journal, including TOCs and
Abstracts, visit their web site at:
Schedule of Contents
Volume 75 No. 6, December 1998
On the cover: A worker collecting samples of a contaminated brick wall in
Metlino Mill(Russia). The samples are used to reconstruct populational
radiation exposure using thermoluminescent dosimetry. See article by N.
G. Bougrov et al. on page 574 for more information.
Runner up cover photos:
2D NMR image of the intact block of thoracic vertebra(coronal viewing
plane) imaged at a proton resonance frequency of 200 MHz. See article by
D. W. Jokisch et al. on page 584 for more information.
Light microscopic autoradiograph of the lung alveolar parenchyma of a
female cigarette smoke-exposed rat 50 weeks after exposure to 239PuO2.
The lumen of an alveolus is filled with macrophages and a few
neutrophils. 239PuO2 particles (indicated by the black, star-like
aggregates and tracks in the autoradiograph) appear to be located within
macrophages within the alvoelar lumen (350X magnification). See article
by G. L. Finch et al. on page 597 for more information.
1998 Founders Award--Frank X. Masse
Citation by Keith Dinger Page - 557
1998 Elda E. Anderson Award--David E. Hintenlang
Citation by Wesley E. Bolch Page - 560
1998 Distinguished Scientific Achievement
Award--Bruce B. Boecker
Citation by Robert G. Thomas Page - 562
1998 Health Physics Society Fellow Members
and Student Awards Page - 564
1998 William McAdams Outstanding Service
Award--Dale H. Denham
Citation by Nancy P. Kirner Page - 566
1998 National Registry of Radiation Protection
Technologists Authur F. Humm, Jr., Memorial
Award--Norman R. Sunderland
Citation by Don W. Marshall Page - 568
Year 2000 Issues
Bruce Busby Page - 570
Long-Range Alpha Detection
Ken Kasper Page - 572
Issues in the Reconstruction of Environmental
Doses on the Basis of Thermoluminescence
Measurements in the Techa Riverside
N. G. Bougrov, H. Y. G”ksu, E. Haskell,
M. O. Degteva, R. Meckbach, and P. Jacob Page - 574
NMR Microscopy of Trabacular Bone and Its Role in
Skeletal Dosimetry
D. W. Jokisch, P. W. Patton, B. A. Inglis, L. G.
Bouchet, D. A. Rajon, J. Rifkin, and W. E. Bolch Page -584
Chronic Cigarette Smoke Exposure Increases the
Pulmonary Retention and Radiation Dose of 239Pu
Inhaled as 239PuO2 by F344 Rats
G. L Finch, D. L. Lundgren, E. B. Barr,
B. T. Chen, W. C. Griffith, C. H. Hobbs,
M. D. Hoover, K. J. Nikula, J. L. Mauderly Page -597
Effect of Biphosphonates on Abnormal Mandibular
Growth of Rats Intoxicated with Uranium
A. M. Ubios, E. M. Braun, and R. L. Cabrini Page - 610
Siting Criteria Based on the Prevention of
Deterministic Effects from Plutonium Inhalation
Scott A. Sorensen and James O. Low Page - 614
Neutron Measurements in the Stray Field Produced
by 158 GeV c-1 Per Nucleon Lead Ion Beams
S. Agosteo, C. Birattari, A. Foglio Para,
E. Nava, M. Silari, and L. Ulrici Page - 619
Radon Exhalation Rates and Gamma Doses from
Ceramic Tiles
R. S. O'Brien, H. Aral, J. R. Peggie Page -630
241Am Removal by DTPA vs. Occurance of Skeletal
Ray D. Lloyd, Glenn N. Taylor,
and Charles W. Mays Page - 640
A New Mechanism for Hot Particle Development in
Soil Following Ionic Contamination with
Guido Nageldinger, Alan Flowers,
and Jane Entwistle Page - 646
Radiation Hazard of Coal-Slags as Building Material
in Tatab nya Town(Hungary)
J. Somlai, M. Horv th, B. Kany r, Z.
Lendvai, and Cs. N‚meth Page - 648
Errors in Cohen's Home
Radon-Lung Cancer Analyses
Victor E. Archer Page - 652
Response to Archer
Bernard L. Cohen Page - 653
Acceptability of Risk from Radiation--Application
to Human Space Flight
Reviewed by Dawn J. Skinner Page - 655
Dose and Volume Specification for Reporting
Interstitial Therapy ICRU Report 58
Reviewed by Joseph Ting Page - 655
Linear Accelerators for Radiation Therapy
Reviewed by Paul L. Ziemer Page - 656
News and Notices
Instructions for Submission of New Product Announcements
Author Guidelines
Health Physics Society Prospectus
Health Physics Society Affiliate Members
List of 1997-1998 Journal Reviewers
List of Contents for Volume 75
Subject Index to Volume 75
Author Index to Volume 75
Advertisers Guide Appears at the back of this issue
Advertisers Index Appears at the back of this issue
Up and Coming Appears at the back of this issue
Bruce A. Busby - Radiation Health Physicist
W- bab1303@doh.wa.gov H-babusby@aol.com
Rad Prot. Div. - Dept. of Health - Washington State
7171 Cleanwater Lane, Bldg. 5 Olympia, WA 98504
The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html