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Re: release of patient based on NRCREG 35.75

> ...
>- If a load of waste can be traced back to a hospital, it is reasonable for
>the landfill to ask the hospital to investigate because the landfill
doesn't >know if they've got innocuous material or a teletherapy source.
>- If the hospital sends people to the landfill and ID the waste as trace
>amounts of I-131, the landfill is unlikely to say "Oh, then go ahead and
>leave it with us."
>- If state or federal regulators are contacted, they may understand the
>health physics and public health concerns, but may still be obligated to
>accede to the landfill's wishes.
> ...

This does describe the existing, and an infuriating, state of affairs.  In
my opinion, it is unreasonable for a regulator to acknowledge that a
hospital has followed all the rules, but to penalize it anyway by demanding
the removal of, say, an I-131 contaminated diaper from a landfill.
Regulators are in an excellent position to guide radiation-related
activities along the paths of reason and science, but instead seem compelled
by public pressure to fall back on emotional and irrational tracks.

P. Sridhar Rao, Mailstop BSH5056, Univ Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio 44106.
Tel: 216-844-1295.   Fax: 216-844-3300.   E-mail: psr@po.cwru.edu

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