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Re: Midyear HPS Radsafer meeting/eating/etc (not for the PC!)
Could you arrange or know someone who may be able to arrange a tour to Z-Pinch
facility around there during or after the Midyear meeting for me? I am willing to
stay extra day if necessary. I wasn't planning to go but I may reconsider if I
could have the tour. I would like to attend the radsafe meeting if I go to the
Midyear meeting.
We, at UNR, are in process of re-assembling an old Z-Pinch (3 MV and 1.2 MA
capacity) from the LANL and I would like to see one in operation. I hope I am not
too late to register. Thank you. M.Jo
Myung Chul Jo, RSO
EH&S, Mail Stop 328
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, Nevada 89557
(702)784-4553 fax
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