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Re: Green peace actions.
There is a distinct lack of reason when dealing with the anti-nuke
forces. I have been going to WIPP and LANL EIS hearings since
1989. I used to get mad, but the rhetoric has mutated beyond the
realm of the real to the surreal. I find the following quotes
amusing maybe you will also...
Mike Dempsey ESH-1 TA-55 LANL
Testimony from the LANL SWEIS Hearing in Santa Fe 6/10/98.
“One atom of radiation can kill you….”
“By the year 2000 all the world will be under one law, no one will any
better than anyone else and the DOE will be destroyed…”
“If I found out they were storing any nuclear waste at Los Alamos I would
have to move….”
When I moved to Santa Fe four years ago, I thought I had found
heaven. Then I found out about Los Alamos….”
“All nuclear activities at Los Alamos must stop immediately, or the earth
mother will destroy Los Alamos. If you need to consult me on how to
do this…..”
“I am an artist, when I think of images of Los Alamos, all I get
are real bad images, and I want to create hateful images to represent
“All petro-chemical, nuclear, military-industrial activities must stop
“I thought this was a democracy. All the people hate nuclear
weapons, why are they still here?”
I can feel the radiation from Los Alamos attacking me….
All opinions expressed here are my own, especially this one:
Why worry about the WIPP leaking? In 10,000 years we will all be
living on other planets...
At 09:14 PM 1/14/99 -0600, you wrote:
> Emil,
>Just a note to support what you said. When the Miami area was
struck by
>hurricane Andrew, the hurricane casued significant damage to the two
>fuel unit stacks at Turkey Point. One stack had to be
>reconstructed. Turkey Point also has two nuke units.
Green Peace protested
>that the nuke units should be shut down because there were cracks in
>stacks. The nuke units survived virtually unscathed. This
is what a lack of
>education breeds.
>Diana Williams (WDCWILL123@aol.com)
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