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RE: Origination, Assumptions, Restrictions for Use of Uranium SA Calc

The enriched uranium specific activity formula in 10 CFR20 App B generally
underpredicts the specific activity between 1 to 20% U-235 and above 93%
U-235, and overpredicts the specific activity at assays less than natural
uranium.  At assays below 20% U-235, the use of the formula can result in an
error that may exceed 40%.  For very highly enriched uranium (>93% U-235),
use of the formula may result in underprediction of the specific activity by
much as 50%.  The actual specific activity of any enriched uranium depends
on the U-234% and will vary depending on what plant produced the enriched
uranium and when.

Only my opinion,

Bruce Manninen

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Redmond, Randy R. (RXQ)  [SMTP:RXQ@ornl.gov]
> Sent:	Thursday, January 21, 1999 8:15 AM
> To:	Multiple recipients of list
> Subject:	Origination, Assumptions, Restrictions for Use of Uranium SA
> Calc
> All,
> I have been unable to locate the origin/good documentation of  the
> uranium
> gaseous diffusion process specific activity formula:  
> Specific Activity  = [0.4 + 0.38 (enrichment) + 0.0034 (enrichment)^2]
> E-6.
> The formula can be found in the Health Physics Manual of Good Practices
> for
> Uranium Facilities and 10 CFR 20, App. B.  What I'm  really interested in
> is:  (1)  how accurate is  the formula; and, (2)  is it applicable to
> enrichments < 0.71  - 10 CFR 20,  App. B implies it is good only for
> enrichments >  0.72.
> Any help and prodding in the right direction is appreciated.
> Randy Redmond
> Lockheed Martin Energy Systems
> P.O. Box 2009
> Bldg.  9769,  MS 8081
> Oak Ridge, TN  37831-8081
> Email:  rxq@cosmail3.ctd.ornl.gov
> Phone:  423-574-5640
> Fax:  423-576-6047
> ************************************************************************
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