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Re: Risk from a dental X-ray
I have often used this "x time at natural background"
comparison. This time, when I saw someone else
use it, I asked myself if I shouldn't be specifying the
location for that background level. Obviously, the
background level at ground level in Denver is quite
different from the level in Amsterdam. I'll have to
change my habits in this regard.
I assume the right to nitpick comes under the
freedom of speech verbiage in the Bill of Rights.
Here's hoping New Zealand has similiar provisions.
At 02:12 PM 3/9/99 -0600, you wrote:
"or about 2 days exposure to natural sources of radiation at ground level."
>Andrew McEwan
>Andrew C McEwan PhD
>National Radiation Laboratory
>PO Box 25-099
>Christchurch, New Zealand
>Ph 64 3 366 5059
>Fax 64 3 366 1156
Philip Hypes
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Safegaurds Science and Technology Group (NIS 5)
(505) 667-1556 phypes@lanl.gov
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