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Re: Radiation damage to immune system?
I would put Mangano on the antinuclerar fringe, but in that part of
the fringe made up of skilled writers who conduct huge, but flawed
statistical studies. They have a large impact on the public.
In the second paragraph of the Preface to Mangano's book: Low-level
Rad ..., he writes: '...led me to encounter two dedicated
scientists, Jay Gould and Ernest Sternglass, who have been
Mangano is a member of the Radiation and Public Health Project,
along with Gould and Sternglass.
He's on the fringe.
Their "Project" uses vast statistical data bases to 'prove' that
low levels of radiation cause the baby boomer generation to suffer
from a all of the ills of our age.
My favorite statisticl proof is as follows: For several cities
on the east coast of the US, record the mean annual temperature
(from an almanic) and the zip code. Graph the data: plot zip
code on the X axis and temp on the Y axis. You get a straight
line with a correlation coefficient 0.99! This proves that zip
code causes temperatures.!? :)
Adding more zip codes on the Atlantic coast will not make this
conclusion correct.
The Mangano/Gould project graph cancer rates against time and also
fallout and numbers on nuclear plants against time (WW2 to now).
Both rise over the years when baby boomers were growing up.
Therefore, fallout and nuclear plants causeed cancer (also AIDS,
just graph it). Personally, I would like to graph the number of
home air conditioners or fast food joints in the US since WW2.
Maybe they cause AIDS and cancer. Lets see, what else has increased
over the years??
Jesse Coleman
Susan Gawarecki wrote:
> Today I received an ad for a book by Joseph J. Mangano, "Low Level
> Radiation and Immune System Damage: An Atomic Era Legacy." Can anyone
> tell me if this concept is considered "cutting edge" or "fringe"? Does
> this person have a good reputation in the field?
> ==================================================
> Susan L. Gawarecki, Ph.D., Executive Director
> Oak Ridge Reservation Local Oversight Committee, Inc.
> 136 South Illinois Avenue, Suite 208
> Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
> Phone (423) 483-1333; Fax (423) 482-6572; E-mail loc@icx.net
> VISIT OUR UPDATED WEB SITE: http://www.local-oversight.org
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