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Re: Doctorate in Health Physics
I almost sent a response to this very issue yesterday when I noted Jesse
Coleman's remarks about promoting educational opportunities. I'm so
glad to see that there are others who share my views on the subject of
higher education announcements. As a student (one that uses a
university campus server for my personal email---myself and about 10,000
other students at this university), I consider the internet as a
resource for finding job opportunities as well as furthering my
education---I would assume that if the state had a problem with that,
they would have either jailed a bunch of us by now or they would have
minimally taken away our campus computing privileges. At the same time,
I also empathize with Melissa. I don't know that I would want to take
on the responsibility of opening a listserver to anything that anyone
may want to say---on a public network no less. I've sent her a personal
email to see if educational and occupational announcements actually fall
under the category of "advertising" when it comes to commercial
solicitation prohibitions. I suspect that if they do, there must be a
high degree of latitude. The only time I have ever seen anyone on
RADSAFE complain about educational announcement opportunities is when a
certain somebody (who I've recently noticed has not had any problems
announcing his/her own institution when the occasion arises) doesn't
like the fact that their institution is not the one being solicited.
To conclude I mulled over this issue of "advertising," and I couldn't
think of anything that we would need this listserver for as a
professional organization that wouldn't classify as advertising (other
than to discuss regulatory compliance issues or to engage in
light-hearted chat). I mean, it seems that all we have to do to make
our messages advertisements under the current rules is mention the brand
name of a company that sells equipment or supplies. How many times have
we done this? I don't think a day has gone by since I've been a RADSAFE
subscriber where people on RADSAFE have failed to advertise. Maybe we
should only use this server to discuss regulatory compliance issues :)
Greg Gibbons
The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html