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Re: Nuclear Train
This would seem to me to be a good situation in which to turn a problem into
an opportunity. There is time - if we work out a good unified response,
when the material airs and people's interest is heightened, we can put out
letters, perhaps be involved in interviews, etc. in which a single message
from the society is heard. If the truth is on our side, many people will
see that - we can point out the inaccuracies without attacking people
personally, explain how much rad waste is due to medical procedures, etc,
etc. If we are organized and professional about it, perhaps this could be a
situation that greatly helps the profession instead of being seen as a
Michael Stabin
Departamento de Energia Nuclear/UFPE
Av. Prof. Luiz Freire, 1000 - Cidade Universitaria
CEP 50740 - 540
Recife - PE
Phone 55-81-271-8251 or 8252 or 8253
Fax 55-81-271-8250
E-mail stabin@npd.ufpe.br
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