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Pu in DU?

Hi Radsafers

Back to the depleted uranium (DU) topic.

Is it conceivable that DU contains traces of Pu (and other heavy
actinides)? If some DU originates from U that has already been through the
fuel cycle and reprocessed, then put through enrichment, won't the Pu
concentrate in the DU fraction, since 239,240,241-Pu are heavier than
234,235,238-U? I appreciate that reprocessing is very efficient at removing
Pu from U, but then no commercially viable process is 100% efficient.

If (a) DU has only been produced from 'virgin' U, and/or (b), Pu does not
form a volatile hexafluoride during the enrichment process, then I suppose
you would not expect any Pu in DU. The state of my knowledge of (a) or (b)
doesn't allow me any conclusion at the moment.

Does anyone analyse DU for Pu (and other actinides/ fission products come
to that)?

I'm not connected in any way with the Gulf War Illness or DU campaigners,
I'm interested in this for something completely different. If anyone out
there is less ignorant than me on this subject, and can answer any of my
points above, I'd like to hear from you, off list if you prefer.


Keith Bradshaw

Southampton University UK
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