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Re: State of MD seeks to close local firm

Roger Fenner wrote:

<Also I would think that the dose being reported is from gammas and not
<neutrons since the concern stated by Maryland deals with stockpiling
<additional cobalt 60.  When the writer talks about Neutron he is referring
<the facility name and not the radiation type.

The dose to the public is due to gaseous effluents (building ventilation)
the smelting of CO-60.

Tom Lashley

I am not so sure we (radsafers) aren't falling victim to the same "errors"
we accuse the general public of making.  While the article starts out with
the dose issue I would venture a guess that the main concern of Maryland is
a lack of the ability to get financial assurance from a company that has
some serious problems (safety wise and financial).  Remember the article is
the writers view of the story and radiation dose catches the publics eye way
before lack of financial assurance does.

Also I would think that the dose being reported is from gammas and not
neutrons since the concern stated by Maryland deals with stockpiling
additional cobalt 60.  When the writer talks about Neutron he is referring
to the facility name and not the radiation type.

Obviously  these are my opinions and not those of anyone intelligent!!!

Roger Fenner
State of TN
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