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RE: State of MD seeks to close local firm

Dear Radsafers,

Several weeks ago a colleague and I happened to be in Maryland and had a
couple of hours to spare.  So, we decided to take a drive over to Dickerson.
We had with us a rather sensitive (large volume plastic) radiation measuring
system -- one that can differentiate between natural activity and artificial
activity and uses GPS to plot radiation data vs. time vs. location.

Staying in our car and on public roads we measured artificial levels (we
assumed Co-60) at 10-12 times the natural background levels.  The natural
background levels are fairly low around Dickerson -- about 2-4 uR/h less
cosmic.  Our system only measures gamma (although I suppose it would respond
to fast neutrons as well) and the detector was inside the car during the

Since we didn't want to drive onto private property, we don't know what the
readings might be at some of the nearest homes.  But, we extrapolated
 simple radial distance from the company) that the nearest home could also
see an artificial level at 10-12 times the natural level.

If any of you would like more specfic information please contact me

Best regards,


HP/RP Instruments & Systems
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