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Re: NRC Pulled Into Radiation Risk Brawl

Zack Clayton
email:  zack.clayton@epa.state.oh.us
voice:  614-644-3066
fax:        614-460-8249

>>> "Jesse H. Coleman" <radshoals@airnet.net> 07/15/99 12:18PM >>>
If we are interested in the fate of the LNT idea, then perhaps we
should contact the Nat Research Council regarding the need for
real scientists on the proposed BEIR committee.

The anti nukes have waged a VERY active letter
writing/phone/e-mail campaigh to get their psudoscientists on the
committee.  If the HP profession is silent, we may loose by default.


Is there a contact and address at this NRC for snail mail or email?

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