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RE: cancer fatalities from a hypothetical Cassini swingby accident
posted at http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/cassini/rtg/intro2true.htm
Cassini Mission False and True
There are people who are making incorrect statements about NASA's Cassini
mission to Saturn. Some of the statements are either misinterpretations or
misrepresentations of NASA and European Space Agency (ESA) documents. The
purpose of this fact sheet is to address some of the technically incorrect
descriptions of potential launch and reentry accidents, and unsubstantiated
health impact predictions.
NASA and DOE have underestimated the potential number of cancer fatalities
from a hypothetical Cassini swingby accident. (This claim has been put forth
by Ernest Sternglass)
In fact, DOE analyses used methods consistent with practices endorsed by
independent, national and international radiation protection organizations,
such as the International Commission on Radiological Protection.
In September, 1995 the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) formally asked Ernest
Sternglass to document the basis for his claims about the NASA and DOE
analysis. Dr. Sternglass was contacted again in May, 1996, via registered
letter, and asked again to validate his claims. He has not responded to
either letter.
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