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Re: NUREG-1501

the following abstract summary was found re: NUREG-1501

Background as a residual radioactivity criterion for decommissioning:
Appendix A to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement in support of
rulemaking on radiological criteria for decommissioning of NRC-licensed
nuclear facilities. Draft report  
FACILITIES/decommissioning; US NRC/ regulations; STANDARDS;
Abstract This report was originally published as an appendix to the
draft U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) document entitled,
{open_quotes}Generic Environmental Impact Statement in Support of
Rulemaking on Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning of NRC-Licensed
Nuclear Facilities.{close_quotes} Because of the great interest in this
report by members of the public, citizen and environmental
organizations, academicians, licensees, and regulators, the NRC staff
is publishing this report separately, so that it can be readily
available to a diverse audience. This report was created to assist both
the NRC staff and interested members of the public in evaluating
background radiation (background) as a decommissioning criterion, by
serving as a primer on background and providing information on the
existing applications of background in regulatory criteria and
standards. This report also discusses some of the methods available to
measure and distinguish between the very low radiation levels
associated with background and man-made sources of radiation. Two
approaches are considered for applying background as a decommissioning
criterion; these are the use of background dose rates and background
radionuclide concentrations. This report concludes that the temporal
and spatial variability of background produces a wide range of doses to
United States residents, which prevents the application of background
dose rates as a decommissioning criterion. Instead, this report
recommends that local background radionuclide concentrations serve as a
benchmark for decommissioning criteria, while taking into account the
concept of reducing residual radioactivity to a level as low as is
reasonably achievable.  

--- "Erik C. Nielsen" <nielsenec@earthlink.net> wrote:
> While reviewing NUREG-1507: "Minimum Detectable
> Concentrations with Typical
> Radiation Survey Instruments for Various
> Contaminants and Field Conditions"
> (pre-published draft) it makes reference to
> NUREG-1501....(title not cited)
> that covers variations in background levels of
> radioactivity in soil.
> I have tried additional searches at the NRC site and
> NTIS but cannot find a
> copy. Does anyone know the full title (to allow me
> to search further) or a
> web site that has this publication?
> As a side note...If you are tired of reading the
> individual emails of
> RADSAFE, I recommend the digest form.....get the
> postings in groups of 10
> or so postings in a single, indexed email; in the
> order received.  Very
> convenient and time saving.
> Erik C. Nielsen
> mailto: enielsen@stl-inc.com
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